  • 姓名:苏萌
  • 部门:统计系
  • 职称:副教授
  • 荣誉:
  • 电子邮件:meng.su@nwu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:非光滑系统随机动力学、随机追逃问题、非线性布朗运动


2019.3-2023.4  西北工业大学数学与统计学院,数学,理学博士

2021.9-2023.1  德国柏林洪堡大学物理系,理论物理,联合培养

2016.9-2019.3  西北工业大学理学院,应用数学,理学硕士

2012.9-2016.6  西北工业大学理学院,信息与计算科学,理学学士


2023.4-2023.8  7003全讯白菜网  讲师

2023.4-至今   7003全讯白菜网  副教授



[1] Meng Su, Davide Bernardi, Benjamin Lindner*. Pursuit problem with a stochastic prey that sees its chasers. New Journal of Physics. 2023, 25(2):023033.

[2] Meng Su*, Benjamin Lindner. Active Brownian particles in a biased periodic potential. European Physical Journal E. 2023, 46(4):2[3] Meng Su, Wei Wei, Wei Xu*, Ying Zhang*. Stochastic response and reliability of electromagnetic energy harvester with mechanical impact and Coulomb friction. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022, 109(4):2263-2280.

[4] Meng Su, Lizhi Niu, Wenting Zhang, Zhicong Ren, Wei Xu*. A developed non-smooth coordinate transformation for general bilateral vibro-impact systems. Chaos. 2022, 32(4):043118.

[5] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Ying Zhang, Guidong Yang. Response of a vibro-impact energy harvesting system with bilateral rigid stoppers under Gaussian white noise. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2021, 89:991-1003.

[6] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Ying Zhang. Stochastic Response and Bifurcation of a Two-Degree-of-Freedom Energy Harvesting System with Stoppers. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2021, 31(5):2150077.

[7] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Ying Zhang. Dynamics of stochastically excited energy harvesting systems with impact. European Physical Journal Plus. 2021, 136(3):271.

[8] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Ying Zhang*. Theoretical analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting system with impact under random excitation. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2020, 119:103322.

[9] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Guidong Yang. Stochastic response and stability of system with friction and a rigid barrier. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019, 132:748-761.

[10] Meng Su, Wei Xu*, Guidong Yang. Response Analysis of van der Pol Vibro-Impact System with Coulomb Friction Under Gaussian White Noise. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 2018, 28(13):1830043.