

  • 姓名:韩迪
  • 部门:数学系-代数与数论教研室
  • 职称:副教授
  • 荣誉:硕士生导师
  • 电子邮件:dhan@nwu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:数论及其应用




2007.9--2011.7  白菜网所有网站大全数学系    信息与计算科学专业  本科       

2011.9--2012.7  白菜网所有网站大全数学系    基础数学专业  硕士研究生     

2012.9--2016.7  7003全讯白菜网  基础数学专业  博士研究生


2016.7--2020.9  7003全讯白菜网  讲师

2020010--至今   7003全讯白菜网  副教授


  • 1.主要课题

  • 1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,Dirichlet L-函数、Gauss和及相关问题研究(11701447),2018.1-2020.12.
    2. 主持陕西省自然科学基础研究项目,指数和及其应用(2017JQ1002), 2017.1-2018.12.
    3. 主持白菜网所有网站大全自主创新项目, 指数和与特征和的混合均值研究(YZZ13071), 2014.1-2015.6.
    4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目, L-函数、大值特征和及相关问题研究(11471258), 2015.1-2018.12.
    5. 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目, 密码函数的复杂性分析与构造(61202437), 2013.1-2015.12.
    6. 参与陕西省自然科学基金项目, 特征和及其应用(2014JM1001), 2014.1-2015.12.
    7. 参与白菜网所有网站大全自主创新项目, 数列、指数和及特征和的性质研究(YZZ12062), 2013.1-2014.6.


    1. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, On the existence of some special primitive roots mod p, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie(SCI), 58(2015), No.1, 59-66.
    2. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, A new mean value related to D.H.Lehmer's problem and Kloosterman sums, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society(SCI), 52(2015), No.1, 35-43.
    3. Han Di*, Some special primes and square sums, Quaestiones Mathematicae(SCI), 38(2015), Issue 1, 57-62.
    4. Han Di* and Wang Tingting, On the Dedekind sums and two-term exponential, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B(SCI), 36(2015), No.4, 603-612.
    5. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, The Ternary Exponential Diophantine Equation Concerning Pythagorean Triplets, Quaestiones Mathematicae (SCI), 38(2015), No.4, 483-494.
    6. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, Some new identities involving Dedekind sums and the Ramanujan sum, Ramanujan Journal(SCI), 35(2014), 253-262.
    7. Han Di* and Guan Wenji, A note on the Diophantine equation (x(p)-1)/(x-1)=p(e)y(q), Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe Des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie(SCI),  57(2014), No.1, 35-43.
    8. Han Di*, A hybrid mean value involving two-term exponential sums and  polynomial character sums, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal(SCI),  64(139)(2014),  No.1, 53-62.
    9. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, Upper bound estimate of character sums  over D. H. Lehmer's numbers, Journal of Inequalities and Applications(SCI), 2013:392 (20, August 2013).
    10. Han Di* and Zhang Wenpeng, On the Hybrid Mean Value Involving Kloosterman Sums and Sums Analogous to Dedekind Sums, Abstract and Applied Analysis(SCI), Article ID: 760505,  2013.
    11. Zhang Wenpeng and Han Di*, A new identity involving the classical Kloosterman sums and 2-dimensional Kloosterman sums, International Journal of Number Theory(SCI), 12(2016), No.1, 111-119.
    12. Zhang Wenpeng and Han Di*, On the sixth power mean of the two-term exponential sums, Journal of Number Theory(SCI), 136(2014), 403-413.
    13. Zhang Wenpeng and Han Di, A hybrid mean value of Dedekind sums and Kloosterman sums, Journal of Number Theory(SCI), 147(2015), 861-870.
    14. Chen Guohui and Han Di*, A new sums and its reciprocity theorem,Miskolc Mathematical Notes(SCI), 17(2017), No.2, 811-816.
    15. Wang Xiaohan and Han Di*, Some identities related to Dedekind sums and the Chebyshev polynomials, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics(EI), 51(2013), No.21, 334-339.
    16. Liu Baoli and Han Di*, On the Fermat prime and the mean value of L-functions, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics(EI), 49(2013), No.19,152-156.
    17. Feng Qiang and Han Di*, On the Diophantine system  and   for   is a prime, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 52(2014), No.7, 65-73.
    18. 韩迪, 一些特殊整数的分拆问题, 数学进展, 43(2014), No.2, 263-266.
    19. 韩迪, 关于特定幸福立方数列, 郑州大学学报, 44(2012), No.3, 20-21.
    20. 杜先存, 韩迪*, 关于三项指数和的四次均值问题, 白菜网所有网站大全学报(自然科学版), 43(2013), No.4, 541-544.

    21. Han Di and Lv Xingxing, On the Chebyshev polynomials and some of their new identities, Advances in Difference Equations, 2020:86, 1-8. (SCI)    
    22. Han Di and Zhang Wenpeng,    A certain mean square value involving Dirichlet L-functions, Mathematics, 2020, 8, 948, 1-11. (SCI)    
    23. Han Di and Zhang Wenpeng, On the Chebyshev polynomials and some of their reciprocal sums, Symmetry 2020, 12, 704, 1-9. (SCI) 


    1. 获2013年博士研究生国家奖学金    
    2. 博士毕业论文“Dirichlet L-函数、Gauss和及其应用”被评为白菜网所有网站大全优秀博士学位论文    
    3. 获白菜网所有网站大全第十二届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖(理工组)  
    4. 2019年白菜网所有网站大全教学奖    
    5. 获7003全讯白菜网青年教师多媒体课件设计竞赛二等奖    
    6. 获白菜网所有网站大全课堂教学创新大赛一等奖(理工组)    
    7. 指导员工参加全国老员工数学建模竞赛获全国一等奖1项